So the cakes been eatin, the words been said, the honeymoon been taken, and the gifts unwrapped. The pictures are being developed and the thankyou cards are getting ready to go out.
Bobbi and Mike (, our photographers, were kind enough to put a little slideshow together for us of our photos! This is a mere fraction of the total amount of photos and we can't wait to see the rest!
The Blog: (at the bottom is a place to leave comments for bobbi and mike)
The Slideshow: (username: hargis, password: bock) Send it to everyone!!!
They did a fabulous job!!!! WOW!!! What a wonderful couple to work with. In case you didn't know they got there at around 9am and stayed there till we left. They gave us their entire day, and on top of that got us this slideshow ASAP. We can't thank them enough for all of their hard work.
Michael and Peyton, and their little girl Aislynn came over this weekend and we got some adorable photos of her. Here are some for your viewing pleasure! Our first baby pictures portfolio!!! :-D Anyone else want their baby photograghed? And I only used my little Canon S1000 for these! I love my lil' point and shoot! Wait till we get a 30D!!! :-D

Hope you enjoyed those. We're going to have a ton of photos of our honeymoon up soon enough, so keep your eyes out for them!!!!! :-D
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